January 2


Mighty Jesus Opening Doors in 2024

By Mark

January 2, 2024


On January 2, 2024 chorus line “Jesus, Jesus, precious Jesus” kept repeating in my heart as I awoke. Instead of precious I kept hearing and saying “mighty.” I knew it was not the original lyrics but the right word was not coming to mind at the time.

I had the feeling that Mighty Jesus is shaking the earth in 2024. I decided to go to the concordance in my physical Bible and search “mighty.” It is not an extensive concordance because it’s a regular Bible. As I looked through the 5 or 6 passages listed, one in particular grabbed my attention. Psalm 24:8

”Who is this King of glory? The Lord, strong and mighty, the Lord, mighty in battle!“
‭‭Psalm‬ ‭24‬:‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

The 24th chapter has obvious connections to this year of 2024. The passage is broken into two parts. The first part explains who can have close relationship with God. The second part is the response of God … the King of Glory showing up in a strong and mighty way.

I have not spent much time this year listening to “prophetic words of the year” but I do know a common thread has been brought up. An open door in 2024. The word for 4 in Hebrew is also door so it’s a natural connection. Psalm 24 repeats the phrase “ancient doors” in verses 7 and 9.

With the chapter number and mention of doors I’m sure many have already referenced this Psalm in relation to the new year. I just wasn’t aware of it.

I will echo His word: the strong and mighty is walking through doors opened by intimate relationship with the King of Glory. 

About the author

Mark is a marketer and sometimes writer. He's trying to get better at that sometimes thing.

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