This is just the beginning! Occasionally I journal what I feel the Father is speaking to my heart. February 7, 2023 was one of those days — the day before the Asbury University Revival broke out after a Wednesday chapel service on the campus. Since that day the news of God encountering the students has spread across the globe. Many other college campuses and churches have begun experiencing their own outpouring, as well. On February 20, I felt the leading to journal again. By then I had forgotten that I had even journaled at all on that Tuesday morning. Despite being the one who wrote it down, I was surprised to read this:
Global outpouring -- this is what is happening. My Spirit is pouring out on all flesh. What I began I am faithful to bring to completion in you, my son; in the Earth. I do not go half way in my plan and abandon it. It has been established from the end to the beginning. Before the foundations of the Earth My Salvation was made available. This provision covers all of flesh’s deficiencies. What man could not do with all his effort, scheming and “wisdom” I have accomplished without straining in the least.
This is not hard for Me — global revival and reformation. As Earth awaits the sons to be revealed, I am preparing the way. Willing vessels are who I seek. Ones that will lay down their desires for a much greater prize - knowing and walking with me.
I have filled the Earth with many good things. None of them replace what I offer you personally. Do not elevate them above their place. Eyes on Me. The prize for the upward calling of Christ is much more than earthly pleasures. I love the Earth because I created it for the ones I love — you. She is being restored to her full glory as you are. Selah.
After posting this, I read Dutch Sheets’ Give Him 15 for February 21, 2023 (posted the same day as this one). It is titled “Asbury is Only the Beginng” … sounds familiar. 😉 Here is an excerpt from that post:
“What we must all remember is that this outpouring at Asbury was never intended by Holy Spirit to be the only place where revival occurs in America. What He has planned will occur all across our nation and other nations. Revival will not be confined to one organization, location, or group of people; Asbury is only a beginning. The outpouring of Holy Spirit will intensify and spread until it is a blazing fire of Holy Spirit activity throughout the land. And this will not be stopped.”
To God be glory. Great things He has done! I agree with You, Father. Pour out Your revival, awakening and restoration on us all!