It's coming down! God is washing America's sins as white as snow.
Thursday, January 28, 2021 it snowed in Virginia Beach. It was the first real snow storm since 2018. At my home it accumulated 5 or 6 inches. It was the 6th time in 16 winters of living in this city that it has snowed more than 5 inches. It is not very common.

When I woke up to pray that morning I saw the snow and thought it was neat, but didn't think much more of it. As I spent time in prayer, Holy Spirit began to move in my heart in the areas of living holy, pure and righteous. I was being made of aware of the importance of living a life of repentance and holiness so our relationship with the Father is unhindered.
Later on during prayer, I realized the significance of the snow storm, our sins being washed away and what He was highlighting to me. These verses came to mind.
"Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean; wash me, and I shall be whiter than snow."
- Psalm 51:7
"Come now, let us reason together, says the Lord: though your sins are like scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they are red like crimson, they shall become like wool."
- Isaiah 1:18
I then began to wonder if Washington DC was experiencing the same storm. I found out there has been one of the longest snow droughts in recorded history in Washington DC. In fact, Monday, January 25 broke the snow drought with 0.3 inches of snow. Last year (2020) DC had only one snow event of 0.2 inches. It was the least amount of snow in one year for the city.
Additionally, Washington DC has gone almost two years without seeing a half an inch of snow in one day. It is the longest recorded stretch of it's kind for the city. While it did snow on January 25th it was less than half an inch. This particular streak has gone 710 days as of January 30, 2021.
I believe this DC snow drought signifies the lack of purity, righteousness and holiness operating in America and our government. There is a dearth of righteousness in America but God is cleansing our land. This is a sign that inequity and sin is being washed away. God has been addressing His church and now a Spirit of repentance will fall on us along with a new desire for holiness.
Virginia and Virginia Beach are first fruits of America. Cape Henry was the dedication place of America for the purposes of God. Virginia is the birthplace of governmental leadership in US. Not only was our first President George Washington from Virginia but eight US Presidents were born here. Eight, representing new beginnings, shows the significance of the leadership Virginia has provided in founding of our country.
God is cleansing America starting with her roots. Washington DC, the government and all of America is next. Jesus was the First Fruit for mankind. Now He is redeeming nations and washing them with His blood and bathing them in His presence.
Currently the forecast for Washington DC for January 31, 2021: "WINTER STORM WARNING. Heavy snow expected. Total snow accumulations 4 to 8 inches."
This will break the 0.5 inch snowfall drought at 711 days. This number carries a message, as well. God is prophetically speaking (11) that He is completing (7) His work of righteous over DC. Purity and holiness is falling down on America.
Jesus is Coming for His Pure Bride
The centralized authority of America is surrounded by Virginia and Maryland. Spiritually speaking "Virgin Mary" or the pure, spotless bride is what holds government in rightful place. Mary carried Jesus in her womb and DC sits in the "womb" of these two states. The government rests on the shoulders of Jesus. Jesus entered the Earth through a “pure bride” and will be returning to Earth for his pure bride, his called out disciples — the true church. We are meant to carry the government of God inside of us which also pours out of us to affect change wherever we go. The kingdom of God is here. The kingdom of God is at hand.
With Jesus’ blood we are washed white as snow. Living a holy life of repentance means we never step out of relationship with the Father. This is why Jesus sacrificed all He did to restore what was lost between man and his Creator. A righteous people of God are able to administer kingdom government on earth. This is what we war in the spirit for — Jesus-led government. With the Head directing us the Body of Christ is about to fully walk into their glory destiny to establish His kingdom on earth as it is in heaven.
1:20 AM - 'Another Take His Office'
January 30, 2021, I awoke around 1:00 AM. I was going in and out of wake and sleep picking up things in the Spirit about what God had shown me the day before in regards to America being washed. Eventually I looked a the time and it was 1:20.
I thought of the 120 disciples waiting in the Upper Room for the outpouring of Holy Spirit. I knew that was in Acts 1. Next I thought I should read Acts 1:20:
"For it is written in the Book of Psalms, 'May his camp become desolate, and let there be no one to dwell in it'"; and "'Let another take his office.’"
This scripture is referring to the process of replacing Judas Iscariot. He stole from Jesus and he betrayed Jesus. After that he hung himself while Jesus was unjustly judged and crucified. It reminds me that there are those that have stolen elections and betrayed the President. There has been unjust "judgement and crucifixion" of Donald J. Trump through impeachment and inauguration of another.
Based on the word of God through many prophets and insight the Holy Spirit has given me, I see this as another indication and confirmation that Biden will be removed and Trump reinstalled as President of the United States.
What is the church's position in this time? We wait in our Upper Room like the 120 disciples until we are filled with His presence and power. Find yourself in a place of devotion to God, seeking His face before anything else where you exalt His name and see Him come meet with you and transform your life.
In summary, as the remnant of God wait for His power to be released in them, He will not only fill us with His Spirit so that we can enact His kingdom government but He will also will remove the corrupt who have stolen and betrayed the Lord God Almighty himself.
God is washing our society as a whole and He is raising up the pure and spotless bride to usher in His righteousness and His glory.
May it start in me. Wash me white as snow, Father. Thank you for your blood that was shed for my sins, Jesus!