Bi Done – God is Calling Us to Unity
Waking up sometime after 4:00 am on the Feast of Trumpets while lying in bed I heard Joe Biden’s name pronounced “bi-done.” It was an emphatic statement. I knew it to mean that duality is ending in several ways. The first, most obvious meaning is relating to the Presidency of the United States. I believe it ties into an April 21, 2008 prophecy from Kim Clement about two presidents. This word was brought back into national attention as early as January 2021.
Biden’s time “in power” has nearly expired. Donald Trump’s position in the Spirit has not changed but will be recognized in the natural, as well. (This assertion comes from revelation via dreams I had in 2020. See Biden’s Tree Cut Down & Sudden Trump Turnaround - not posted on this site. Not to mention other more seasoned and recognized prophetic voices that has shared similar messages.)
The “bi” being done also calls for end of division in the country over politics, social issues, COVID-19, vaccinations, etc. Last but not least the disunity of the Church is being addressed. God commands blessing wherever there is unity of the brothers and sisters in Christ (Psalm 133). That is what He is orchestrating by His Spirit. We must yield to Him above all else — personal preferences, political persuasions, social issues, etc.
Unity in the Church
To further this message about “bi-done” in the Church, God used the time to speak to me. When I first looked at the time after waking it was 4:21. I felt I was to read John 4:21.
“Woman,” Jesus replied, “believe me, a time is coming when you will worship the Father neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem.”
John 4:21
The original context is Jesus speaking to the women at the well as he informs her that, as the Messiah, he is changing everything about how people worship God. I also believe everything is changing right now in how we worship God as He continues to draw us into the fullness of what Jesus proclaimed and prophesied.
In this verse, Jesus is addressing the duality of how different people are worshipping God in different places and different ways. Later in this passage he clarifies that true worshippers worship Him in spirit and truth.
Now, verse 21 and what I believe God is bringing to our attention in this moment. “Woman” is addressing the Church or His Bride. “This mountain” was where the Samaritans or the outcasts worshipped. They were rejected by the Jews or “religious.” The Jews believed Jerusalem was the only sacred place that worship was accepted. Both believed they were right and the other group was wrong.
Jesus with this statement informs everyone that they are all wrong. The only way to worship is by Spirit and Truth. God desires that the outcasts and the religious breakaway from what they believed was truth and lay ahold of the actual Truth.
Additionally, there is another application relating to "this mountain" and "Jerusalem." It can also be seen as the separation of the Church and the other mountains of society using 7 Mountain terminology. They have both used their own perceived "right way" of reaching the pinnacle. That could be through religious acts or through excelling in these other areas of media, government, education, economy, family and arts and entertainment. Once gain, back to Jesus words not "this mountain" or "Jerusalem." It's only through His Spirit and Truth that we ultimately find the way to the heart of God.
By Spirit
Worshipping God cannot be accomplished by physical actions or through our intellect, decisions and feelings alone. It starts in our renewed spirit that has been made alive through Jesus. Always in, through and by the Spirit. The outworking of this spiritual worship transforms the rest of our being so that we become completely whole - mind, body and spirit honoring Him in all things.
By Truth
We worship by God’s standards. Truth originated from Him. Facts or secondary truths do not supersede who He is and what He says. As the Author and Finisher of our faith, He has all authority and what He says is the final Word. Whatever idea, issue, ideal that is pushed or accepted by the world has no authority to dictate how we worship God. He will not accept a worship that is filtered by a fact and not founded on His truth.
Not to mention outright lies that have been disguised as truths. This is why worshipping by the Spirit is essential. We must be able to rightly discern between truth and falsehood.
God is blasting His trumpet and calling for His people to draw together in unity and reject dualism. Choose this day whom you will serve. As for me and my house we will serve the Lord and we will do it by Spirit and Truth.