March 9


Rejoice – March 9, 2021

By Mark

March 9, 2021

hearing God, listening

Jump! Leap! Celebrate! Rejoice! Look what I have done. The lame walk. The deaf hear. The blind see. The oppressed are free. The dead are alive. Is it not a day of rejoicing and celebration?

Laughing, singing, dancing -- this is the time. My people: come to Me and live in My joy! I have no limit of joy to share! Trade your mourning for My dance. Thank you for sacrificial praise. There is great benefit to you.

My remnant is fully awake and moving in step with Me. It's not long now and you will see what has not been seen. "How can this be?" it will be said. Testify of My name and you will see the enemy's kingdom overcome.


About the author

Mark is a marketer and sometimes writer. He's trying to get better at that sometimes thing.