January 2


Majesty Revealed

By Mark

January 2, 2023

hearing God

An old praise chorus popped into my heart this morning. As I sat at my computer, out of the blue I sang out, “O Lord, our Lord, how excellent is your name in all of the earth!” 

This song originated from Psalm 8 where the word for excellent is translated as majestic many times. As I read through the chapter verse 2 caught my attention in particular. It seemed counter-intuitive as scripture often does at first glance.

“Out of the mouth of babies and infants, you have established strength because of your foes, to still the enemy and the avenger.” Psalm‬ ‭8‬:‭2‬ ‭

I was not sure what it meant but continued reading and meditating on the passage. After a few minutes I went to my handwritten journal to transcribe the thoughts of the Father as they entered my heart. A clarity began to take shape not only about strength from the mouths of babies but the reality of God’s majesty.

“Do you see My majesty surrounding you? It is not hard to find. For the one who is looking, it will be found. For the one who is seeking will be rewarded. My majesty is found in you and throughout creation. I am looking for seers of majesty; not identifiers of darkness. My light eradicates darkness not shouting about it. Let your light, your majesty shine before all men. That’s what draws them into My presence. 
What seems to be weak and foolish to the world is actually My strength and wisdom at work. The cry of babies is pure worship before Me. I have set My intentions, My heart and My purposes to be borne out through My children. Let not their voices be silenced. The cry of the womb, the babe and the youth is being unmuzzled in this generation.
Son, be the father this generation needs. Lead them in excellence, in majesty. Fathers and mothers, rise in majesty in this hour to release the voice, the praise of generations so the young will walk it out in power and by My Spirit.
Just walk with Me, Son. Do not tread the path of the wicked but follow My steps that lead to righteousness.”

Every son and daughter of the Father has a unique voice to be heard on the Earth. Even as babies our voices silence the enemy. May this be a year of God’s majesty revealed and the avenger stilled through our signature sound that was crafted by our loving Creator.

Reveal your majesty in me in 2023!


About the author

Mark is a marketer and sometimes writer. He's trying to get better at that sometimes thing.