October 19


God’s Glory Revealed Through Us

By Mark

October 19, 2022


Each person’s unique beauty, creativity and genius is a demonstration of God’s glory. Every person has the seed of His glory inside of them. For some it maybe hidden quite deeply and harder to recognize. Sin and it’s proliferation separates us from God resulting in our glory being dimmed.

Whether a follower of Christ or not the potential to display the nature and goodness of God lies within us. We are in a process of awakening. We will be fully awake once in the presence of God in eternity. While some are currently asleep those who have open eyes and ears must be looking and listening for the faint indicators of God’s destiny within those that slumber. We must identify and magnify the yet-to-be released glory in others.

Recognizing God in those who do not yet recognize Him is paramount to awakening their heart to the Truth. While we were yet sinners Christ died for us (Romans 5:8). He fully understood the value of humanity by substituting His perfection for our brokenness. Sin is the blockage that distances our heart from God’s glory. Sin removal through Christ's blood introduces us to God's original intent for mankind. We are meant for intimacy with Him. When this is realized, glory is revealed in us and through us.

Avoiding sin is not to be done merely as a religious activity but it can be seen as the barrier standing between our current misshapen state and living in wholeness and unity with our loving Father. While walking the earth Jesus stated (John 14:30) that the enemy had no "hold over me." Sin had no place in Jesus as he demonstrated perfect union with the Father. That led to God being glorified in all that he said and did.

Our glory is His glory. His glory is our glory. Sin, in affect, turns glory on ourselves. When we glorify or worship ourselves it leads to destruction. We are not made to be worshipped and the end result of self-worship is ultimately death. Returning God’s glory to Him through the worship of our life, gifts and talents is what makes us flourish. God is honored, exalted and glorified. We are restored, saved and blessed.

May God be glorified in me.


About the author

Mark is a marketer and sometimes writer. He's trying to get better at that sometimes thing.