March 24


Disciple Maker – March 24, 2022

By Mark

March 24, 2021

disciple, hearing God, listening

Be a disciple maker. It starts in your home. Disciple nations. Ask for them. See how I answer. There is no limit in Me. I am not intimidated by any obstacle. It is nothing in My sight. I only see opportunity to love and bring out My purposes through My children.
We do this together. It is the only way. I want to share the joy with you. Do not neglect the intimacy and personalization of our journey. Your part is My part. It is our part. I cannot walk with anyone like I walk with you. You have your own signature gait, pace and footstep.
Where we are going, how we get there and in what time has all been factored in. I want you to enjoy the fellowship, take in the sights, smells, sounds, tastes and touch of all I have for you. 
I do quick work but I am not in a hurry. Understand the value and uniqueness of what you bring to the Kingdom. No one does it like you and I love it.


About the author

Mark is a marketer and sometimes writer. He's trying to get better at that sometimes thing.